Anxiety Summit
Anxiety Summit 5 – is FREE & ONLINE started yesterday in the US so you still have time to catch the Day 1 interviews!
ANXIETY has become the defining mental health issue of our decade – with or without a diagnosis – women are affected at twice the rate of men, and more children and young adults are now stressed and anxious more than ever before. Join the Anxiety Summit to learn solutions!
Click here to register for The Anxiety Summit (free & online)!
Anxiety is your body’s natural response to a threat. However, more people than ever before find themselves far-too-frequently in a state of chronic stress and anxiety. To make it worse, most have no idea there are options other than drugs to address it.
They’re NEVER told that poor gut-health could be a root cause, instead they continue thinking their anxiety is much TOO SEVERE for nutrition to be the solution – this potential root cause MUST be explored, join the Anxiety Summit to learn why!
I encourage you to register for this health event, especially if you or someone you love have:
● Anxiety & feel overwhelmed & stressed by little things
● Panic attacks and/or obsessive thoughts or behaviors
● Social anxiety/pyroluria
● Phobias or fears (flying, spiders or even driving)
● Food sensitivities, IBS/SIBO, parasites etc
● Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, pain & digestive issue
● Leaky gut/leaky blood-brain barrier/vagus nerve issues
It’s time to learn all the ways poor gut health could trigger anxiety. With research-based solutions and practical steps, you can determine your root causes, ease your anxiety and prevent it from coming back so you can feel on top of the world again!
Click here to register for The Anxiety Summit (free & online)!
Your host is Food Mood Expert and certified nutritionist Trudy Scott. She is the author of The Anti-Anxiety Food Solution and she educates anxious individuals about nutritional solutions for anxiety. This is her 5th Anxiety Summit, featuring all new topics and the latest research related to the gut-brain axis.
I’ll be tuning in to learn more – will you?
Click here to register for The Anxiety Summit (free & online)!
Register by clicking HERE Anxiety Summmit