ADHD Money

ADHD Money
A Finance Book Made for Your Neurodivergent Brain
By: Tina Mathams
Eliminate the overwhelm and stay on track with your money goals
If you struggle with the time and energy needed to manage your money, you’re not alone. So much financial advice is geared toward neurotypical brains. From checking your bank account to impulse spending and budgets that just don’t work out … It’s time to find the strategies that will help you manage your money in a way that suits your brain.
ADHD Money is an empowering personal money plan. In this book, you’ll learn how and why those with ADHD (and other neurodiverse conditions) often feel frustrated by finances. And you’ll get practical, psychology-based tools and tips to help you keep going and achieve your money goals.
Full of engaging exercises and worksheets, this book will help you:
- identify your values and personal priorities
- reframe your money mindset
- track your spending and successfully budget
- pay off debts and save money
- achieve your long-term plans
The reality is that money and budgeting isn’t always easy. But with ADHD Money, you’ll discover how to take control, keep the spark alive, and follow through on your financial dreams. Author Tina Mathams of @theadhdaccountant shares the hacks that will help you keep going and create your own money success.