How to access ADHD Support Australia’s expert speaker talks online
I’m super excited to announce I’ve finally launched the new Patreon membership site for ADHD Support Australia to enable you to access our expert ADHD speakers online wherever and whenever you like!
Want to know more?
I’ve been running expert speaker events and providing support and information on ADHD in Sydney’s Northern Beaches since 2013. Thousands of parents have benefitted from hearing from our experts and learning more about ADHD and its co-morbid conditions. Many teachers and professionals working with people with ADHD also regularly attend. This means our children’s teachers are up-skilled in ADHD and its co-morbidities and are better equipped to help our children reach their potential at school. I love that and this is why I do what I do!
My mission and passion has always been to reach, serve and support as many people affected by ADHD as possible by providing a holistic and balanced view of ADHD, its treatments options and coping strategies. I believe ADHD makes people unique and, with the right support, they can live the most amazing and fulfilling lives.
You can read on our website the many testimonials from parents and professionals alike saying how this organisation has changed their lives for the better.
Helping people with ADHD across Australia and beyond!
Something that has always bothered me though was the fact that only people within reach of the Northern Beaches could attend my meetings and parenting courses. Despite the distance we regularly have parents coming from as far afield as the Central Coast, Wollongong and the Blue Mountains! People from all over NSW and Australia have been requesting we organise talks where they are. Unfortunately, up to now I haven’t had the time, resources or funding to be able to do this which breaks my heart because I believe everyone deserves access to these invaluable events and information, with world-renowned experts on the widest range of ADHD topics imaginable. But now, if you live outside of the Sydney area, or you are unable to attend due to work or family commitments, you too will have the chance to get your hands on this information, no matter your situation. UPDATE: Our monthly talks are now held online!! Click here for the list of events we have online.
The Patreon Membership Site
I’m pleased to announce I’ve finally launched my new Patreon membership site!
Patreon is an online resource allowing people to become Patrons of groups like ADHD Support Australia, giving them access to the content they create. As a Patron of ADHD Support Australia you will gain access to presentation slides and handouts from our speaker evenings, recordings from all available talks, as well as free entry to our monthly speaker evenings and discounts on other events. Becoming a patron helps me to continue providing ADHD support to you whilst benefitting those who need it Australia-wide.
Patrons can choose from two tiers of membership. The Phoenix tier (AU$6/month) not only supports the work I do here at ADHD, but also gives you access to all the presentation slides. The Unicorn tier (AU$18/month) gives the greatest access to our resources – all the presentation slides, as well as all available speaker recordings and free entry into our monthly events, if you are available to attend, as well as discounts to certain other events.
I wish now, in hindsight, that all 90+ speaker events had been filmed and could be made available to you. But, the group has evolved over the years to become what it is now. There will be videos from past events on Patreon now, with all future events, where the speaker agrees to be filmed, being added moving forward. Slides from past speakers have been uploaded and more will be coming from future speakers.
So not only are you receiving these resources, but you are helping to continue our work which has already touched so many lives across Australia.
We are so excited to launch this membership platform and to see even more lives changed and enriched as a result of the hard work, passion and dedication we put in every day. We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past eight years – we couldn’t have done what we do without you, and we promise to continue bringing quality support services to those living with ADHD for years to come.
If you’d like to gain access to these resources, while supporting our work and become a Phoenix or a Unicorn patron of ADHD Support Australia, or know more, head to the website www.adhdsupportaustralia.com.au/patreon-member and click on ‘Become a Patron Member’.
Online Parenting Course
I’ve now created an online version of my Parenting Children with ADHD 6-week course, which was currently only available face-to-face on the Northern Beaches. It’s all the same content as the face-to-face course but available wherever you are and whenever you’re available.
For more information, you may visit https://www.adhdsupportaustralia.com.au/adhd-parenting-help/
Digital Detox Online Course
I have also created an online 6-week Digital Detox Program where you will be guided through a step-by-step process to reduce screen time, break unhealthy digital habits, and develop healthier routines that will improve your young person’s overall well-being.
If you would like to know more, please visit – https://www.adhdsupportaustralia.com.au/online-digital-detox-program/
The author, Vivian Dunstan, is Founder & CEO of ADHD Support Australia ADDCA trained ADHD Coach, Parent Coach & Facilitator of Parenting Children with ADHD – a 6-week online course, Certified Tech Addiction & Digital Health Educator (NIDHW) and Facilitator of the 6-week online Digital Parenting Program, Certified PEERS Social Skills for Teens & Young Adults coach and program facilitator, Certified NeuroACT provider & course facilitator, non-practicing teacher, parent of a young adult with ADHD and has ADHD herself.