The Dangers of Social Media, Gaming, and Devices for Young People with ADHD & Autism

In an era where screens reign supreme and virtual connections often overshadow face-to-face interactions, the impact of social media, gaming, and excessive device usage on the mental health of our young people has become a pressing concern. This concern is amplified for vulnerable populations, especially those with ADHD, Autism, or who already experience social challenges and I see this on a daily basis supporting young people and families in the ADHD and Autism community.

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Bounce Your Way to Better Health: 13 Rebounding Benefits

Bounce Your Way to Better Health: 13 Rebounding Benefits

Exercise can sometimes be tricky for certain people, especially those in high-risk categories or with limited access to traditional workout spaces. For those with ADHD, or children with ADHD who need to release pent-up energy, a deceptively healthy and fun health hack is rebounding. Rebounding, aka trampolining, has many health benefits—including boosting the immune system!
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