Adult ADHD – How Does It Feel?

Imagine you have a car….. You don’t remember how you actually got the car but you have had it for as long as you can remember, even before you learned to drive. You’re now on your black license, your learner days are behind you and there is no experienced driver sitting beside you in the passenger seat guiding and supporting you.

Recently you stumbled across an owner’s manual crammed under the seat. Finally, you discover what car you are driving! You’re quite surprised to have some of the idiosyncrasies explained: the braking system isn’t quite up to scratch; the accelerator sometimes sticks; the battery malfunctions and the car won’t start or it stops unexpectedly. As you continue reading the manual you discover certain maintenance requirements that you weren’t aware of. Now it makes sense why the car runs the way it does!

Some people won’t bother about the owner’s manual. They’re familiar with their car and are quite happy not to make any changes to the way they drive it or care for it. Others will investigate further and find out how to solve some of the issues that they have been having. They might become so curious that they visit online forums and may even join enthusiast groups!

With their owner’s manual in hand (and with newfound knowledge) you can finally take your car to a mechanic armed with the information that will assist you get the tailored maintenance that your car requires.

You will be surprised to learn that other people drive the same car! In fact up to 1 in 20 cars on the road are very similar. It’s just they all look different and have their own idiosyncrasies.

Referring to the owner’s manual will help you understand the limitations of your vehicle and how to get the best out of it. You can use the information you have obtained or you can choose to ignore it and bury the owner’s manual again.

You might be frustrated that you don’t have the imported luxury dream car that you always wanted, but you still own exactly the same car! You have the choice whether you continue to drive it in the same way as you have done in the past or to change how you drive it so that you achieve maximum performance and improve running costs.

If you would like assistance improving your performance, please contact Jennifer Blunden at ADD Value Coaching.

Jennifer, the author of this article, is an ADHD Coach and founder of ADD Value Coaching.

To find out more about her and her services visit her website