Sarah Voase

Speak & Write was established to help children, adolescents and young adults develop and improve their speech, language, literacy and comprehension skills. We have programs and options available no matter what your child needs and have worked with children with disabilities for over 10 years.
We offer a comprehensive range of professional Speech Therapy services, including:

● Individual Speech Therapy: via Tele-health in clinic or your child’s school
● Speech assessment
● Language assessment
● Literacy (Reading & Spelling) assessment
● Consultancy services for teaching professionals
● Teacher and parent seminars

Our Therapy Options include:

● Individual weekly lessons
● Individual intensive holiday programs
● In-school visits – individual therapy and assessment (dependent on permission and facilities of the school)
● Small group therapy
● Parent training – certified trainers use the ‘Hanen Program’ to empower parents of preschool age children with the skills to support their children’s language development Intervention Programs

Speak & Write programs are tailored to the child’s individual needs and are developed using research-based therapy
techniques and educational principles.

An initial assessment is required prior to commencement of therapy to ensure we understand your child’s needs and can therefore suggest the best method of treatment in collaboration with your family.

All Speak & Write Speech Pathologists use the Spalding Method of language and literacy instruction because it is research based, explicit, systematic and multisensory and therefore optimizes learning.

Speak & Write’s ‘Speech and/or Language’ programs are specific to the child’s delay or disorder.