PLASST - Personalised Learning & Signposting Tool
PLASST – Personalised Learning & Signposting Tool – This has now been in NSW by ‘Personalised Planning’ – see link to the website.
The PLASST is a web-based tool developed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities to assist teachers and learning and support teams in profiling the educational needs of students who may benefit from personalised learning and support.
This is available to all NSW teaching professionals via the DEC portal.
Teachers complete a set of questions for an individual student and PLASST generates a student profile report which highlights relative strengths and needs of the student and where they may benefit from support or adjustments.
This student profile report can then be used to inform decision making and planning by teachers and learning and support teams, in consultation with parents or carers for the provision of personalised learning and support for the student.
PLASST can be used for any student whom teachers believe has additional learning and support needs.