Paula Tazzyman
Paula Tazzyman – Accredited Practising Dietician & Accredited Nutritionist
Children with ASD/ADHD can have very complex eating issues. A dietician that understands these complexities can be instrument in supporting children with ASD/ADHD to make positive gains in their development, learning & behaviour.
Areas where a dietician can be of help:
- Selective eating and food refusal
- Correcting nutritional deficiencies
- Supporting better concentration & learning
- Improving behaviour
- Reducing anxiety & depression
- Improving digestive health
- Improving sleeping patterns
- Identifying food intolerance
- Strengthening immune system
- Diet modifications
- Evidence-based supplementation
Paula Tazzyman is an experience paediatric Accredited Practicing Dietician who has helped children with learning and behaviour issues, ASD and ADHD since 1997.
Paula is registered with Medicare and all private insurance companies.
With a Medicare ECP plan your GP can allocate up to 5 visits in a calendar year to access nutrition services. Medicare does not allow phone/online consults.
NDIS – If health & wellbeing is a goal, NDIS does cover nutrition. Phone or online consults are permitted under NDIS.
Skype consults available @ paula.taz