Michele Toner

Dr Michele Toner OAM coaches people with ADHD across Australia and around the world. She has a PhD and a Master of Special Education in the area of ADHD.

Michele was the first credentialed ADHD coach in Australia, and now works with new coaches as a trainer and mentor in order to promote ADHD coaching in Australasia, and around the world.

Michele is passionate about helping people of all ages with ADHD to achieve their goals, and to change their lives for the better. She also works hard to educate others about ADHD. Sought after as a speaker at conferences and public functions, Michele inspires professionals and members of the general public to learn more about ADHD, and to support those with the diagnosis.

She offers:

One : One Mentoring

10 x 60 minute formal mentoring sessions over 3 months in accordance with ICF and PAAC requirements

Group Mentoring

7 x 60 minute group formal mentoring sessions (plus 3 x 60 minute individual sessions) over three months in accordance with ICF and PAAC requirements

Monthly Mentor Meetings

Monthly group mentoring sessions for coaches to hone their skills

Michele also offers 1:1 coaching sessions with parents, teens, and adults

​Click here to find out more