Martial Methods
Martial Methods is a specialised martial arts program developed for children aged 3-18 which utilises the disciplines of martial arts to facilitate children’s development.
Martial Methods is an evidence-based martial arts program developed by occupational therapists and martial arts specialist to combine the best of both worlds.
The systematic influence of meditation, rhythmic breathing and relaxation generate skills helping with self-regulation and behavioural control. Children learn to “stop”, “wait”, “think” and then “do”, incorporating notions of mindfulness and assisting in their development of self-control. Children must adhere to group etiquette and receive constant group reinforcement to “do your best” whilst also receiving mutual help and feedback from coaches, encouraging self-assessment of their performance and behaviour.
Research from the University of Sydney has found that Martial Methods differs from other physical activities in their effect on children. Martial Methods is proven by years of consistent research to improve classroom performance and playground behaviour in participating children, this being widely recognised by parents and educators as well.