Little Tradies

Little Tradies  

At Little Tradies we think trades people are great and we believe play an important role in our economy and our society. We provide an innovative, fun and exciting framework for children from the ages of 5 to 12 years old. 
Our practical activities help children to experience how things work, move and fit together and focus – enabling them to be hands on with the equipment, learn safety techniques, sharing with their peers, builds self-confidence and the ability to face new challenges. 
At Little Tradies children will develop problem solving skills when exploring and discussing design solutions. Furthermore, the activities also include: caring for their equipment and tools, cleaning and tidying up their work space.
Children will show their work and more importantly, do the work, and learn to explain their finished product and processes involved. Using a variety of active learning methodologies, including Project Based Learning (PBL), Experiential Learning, and Learning by Design, Little Tradies kids will learn in a dynamic and experiential way to really challenge their thinking.
Little Tradies core tenets are:
  • Sensorial: these activities encourage curiosity, experience and experimentation with tactile, visual perception, which includes touch, sound and smell. 
  • Language: Language skills enhances auditory sensorial with their teachers and peers. Listening to instructions of when and how to place materials in their right order.
  • Mathematics: Children will explore and utilise the mathematical concepts of measuring, addition, two and three dimensional shapes.

Contact: Warwick Kells