Cool Kids Program
The Cool Kids Anxiety Program has been running at Macquarie University since 1993. It is a structured 10 session program run over a minimum of 10 weeks that teaches children (ages 7-17 years) and their parents how to better manage a child’s anxiety. The program can be run with individuals or in a group, in a clinical or school setting and involves participation of child and parent. For teens the program is nicknamed Chilled.
The Cool Kids Anxiety Program is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), with a focus on teaching practical skills. The program has undergone continual scientific evaluation and development to include the latest understanding of anxiety and its treatment. Current results indicate that most young people who complete our programs show significant improvement. Following treatment, there are marked increases in school attendance, academic achievement, confidence, number of friends and involvement in extra-curricular activities and decreases in worry, shyness, fear and family distress.