Our ADHD blog presents many perspectives on ADHD and its co-morbidities

There are many informative articles in this ADHD blog, some are guest articles from experts in their field. 

Do you want to submit an expert guest article? 

If you’re an expert in ADHD or a related field and would like to contribute an article for publication on the ADHD Support Australia website please contact vivian@adhdsupportaustralia.com.au.

Recent posts

How Occupational Therapy Helps Children’s Executive Functioning

How Occupational Therapy Helps Children’s Executive Functioning

Think about an executive of a company: They have to plan out how resources of the company will be used, decide what the priorities are and in what direction to take them, and make decisions on what to do when there is conflicting information. All of these skills are established through what we call our Executive Functioning

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