Our ADHD blog presents many perspectives on ADHD and its co-morbidities

There are many informative articles in this ADHD blog, some are guest articles from experts in their field. 

Do you want to submit an expert guest article? 

If you’re an expert in ADHD or a related field and would like to contribute an article for publication on the ADHD Support Australia website please contact vivian@adhdsupportaustralia.com.au.

Recent posts

Adult ADHD – How Does It Feel?

Imagine you have a car….. You don’t remember how you actually got the car but you have had it for as long as you can remember, even before you learned to drive. You’re now on your black license, your learner days are behind you and there is no experienced driver sitting beside you in the passenger seat guiding and supporting you.

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Who should I see for my Adult ADHD?

I was recently asked if it was overkill to have a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a coach.

While this could seem excessive, the best approach to managing ADHD is through a support team with the various team members having very different functions.

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ADHD and Drumming

It has been said that the drums are one of the few instruments that access the entire brain, stimulating all the main sectors. Active engagement of practically playing rhythms aid in syncing the left and right hemispheres of the brain; leaving us feeling more connected with ourselves.

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The Positive Aspects of ADHD and Successful ADHD Adults

Finally, a study that can support my clients in moving forward! If you think it’s tough for kids with ADHD to thrive amongst the social stigma, then imagine how it feels for an adult with ADHD, given most of our population is not aware that ADHD may persist into adulthood.  Late last year a study was released called “Positive Aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.”

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Ten Top Sensory Processing Books

10 Top Sensory Processing Books

Does your child have a sensory processing disorder and do you or your child’s teacher want to better understand how to help them?

Occupational Therapy Helping Children’s Director, Lisa Hughes, has shared the best books for parents of kids with sensory processing issues. Read Lisa’s quick guide to help you navigate your way through the literature.

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