Melissa Joss

MYSHA Founder, Melissa Joss MA, Grad DipEd, BA, D.STh, D.Yoga

MYSHA (Meditation. Yoga. Self. Healing. Arts.) was founded in 2002 by Melissa Joss.

What began as a unique multimodal therapeutic method for creative wellbeing and personal development, combining ancient healing arts with contemporary arts based, experiential processes, has now become a sacred entity.

MYSHA is a unique method of spiritual practice which guides and supports you to achieve optimal levels of self awareness, integration and personal transformation throughout your life journey.

At MYSHA you are in safe hands. As well as being a talented singer-songwriter and artist, Melissa is a masters degree-qualified creative arts therapist, sound therapist and registered teacher, who has trained at the highest industry standards with ongoing professional enrichment over the past two decades. See her credentials here.

The MYSHA method has evolved along with its founder. Times have changed and so have we.