Our mission is to enable adults diagnosed with ADHD to participate in meaningful life activities, reach their full potential, achieve their goals and improve general well-being. OT 4 ADHDULTS (adults) is a private occupational therapy practice.  The clinical practice guidelines for adults with ADHD (Royal College of Psychiatrists, Scotland, 2017) state the input of occupational therapists (OTs) can be particularly useful to help patients structure their time, improve organisational skills, and assist with further education and employment. 

Occupational therapy is practical, enabling clients to participate in activities they need, want or are expected to do at home, work or in the community.  OTs are skilled in modifying environments and selecting aids, and adept at breaking down tasks into manageable steps that encourage initiation and increase productivity.  OTs provide holistic care by supporting mental, emotional and physical health: trained to identify individual strengths and address challenges in performing activities.  

Occupational therapy rebates are available through Medicare and many private health extras.  

OT 4 ADHDULTS provides tailored, collaborative support to clients Australia wide via Telehealth.  Visit www.OT4ADHDULTS.com.au to read more.