Sense Rugby

Sense Rugby was founded in October 2015 by Paediatric Occupational Therapist, Carlien Parahi and Australian Rugby Sevens Olympian, Jesse Parahi.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • ADHD
  • Down Syndrome
  • Dyspraxia
  • Sensory Processing difficulties
  • Emotional Regulation difficulties
  • Behavioural difficulties
  • Gross motor delays
  • Fine motor delays
  • Learning difficulties
  • Resistance, avoidance or an issue with confidence when it comes to sport
  • Differences in social skills

Some of the goals families have when they join a Sense Rugby program include for their kids to:

  • Have fun!
  • Develop their confidence and self-esteem
  • Find a regular activity that can be their own
  • Learn a new skill that gives them a great community to belong to for life
  • Find a way to get the movement they seek in an appropriate environment
  • Make friends
  • Learn how to follow instructions, wait their turn and be part of a group
  • Learn how to manage their emotions
  • Improve their ability to self-regulate
  • ..and many more!

Sense Rugby has a few key values that help us help kids. We always have an experienced Paediatric Occupational Therapist that works with trained rugby players to help the kids to achieve success. We utilise a child’s strengths and their motivation to help them to participate and we focus on creating a positive successful social experience first and foremost.